- The House
- Release Day For The Road
- Andrew Roachford: Where I Stand - Now Available
- Mike & The Mechanics First Album Gets The Gold Disc Treatment
- Interviews & Release Dates
- Andrew Roachford's New Album: Where I Stand
- Paul Young's Chronicles Album Now Available
- Listen To An Interview & A New Song
- First Review Of The Road Now Up!
- New Single Reach Out (Touch The Sun) Available Now
- The Road Available To Pre-Order.
- New Interview With Andrew Roachford!
- New Paul Young/Sad Café Album!
- Linked Into Facebook
- The Mechanics Head To Germany
- The Mechanics Live At The Band On The Wall
- New Mechanics Album (The Road) and Tour News
- Andrew Roachford Interview
- Princes Trust Gig Broadcast On Sky
- New Mechanics - The It's Coming Update!
- Mike & The Mechanics Perform For Princes Trust
- New Paul Carrack Album: A Different Hat
- Mike To Return With New Mechanics Album & Singer
- More To Come From Mike?
- First Four Sad Cafe Albums Re-mastered and Re-released
- New Paul Carrack Album Released
- Paul Carrack Speaks To The House
- New Paul Carrack Single & Album
- Mike Calls It A Day
- Genesis 1976 - 1982 Box Set Released
- Tim Renwick Goes Solo
- The End of the Mechanics?
- Genesis Back On Tour
- Paul Carrack Anthology Released
- Recent DVD Appearances
- New Paul Carrack Anthology Coming
- Paul Carrack Hits the Road
- Paul Carrack's Suburban Voodoo Re-released
- Mike & Paul play live for the Countryside Alliance
- Paul Carrack: Online Sale
- BA Robertsons: "My Living Years" tour postponed
- Paul Carrack Releases: "Winter Wonderland"
- Genesis Reunion On The Cards?
- "All I Need Is A Miracle" Remixed
- "Silent Running" Gets The Synth Treatment
The House
Source: http://www.houseofmanyrooms.com/

I wanted to write, to give people a heads up on the current going's on with this site, and a brief overview of the band's current activities.
The band are currently on tour, in support of their excellent new album, The Road. You can see the dates here. Next year, plans are already afoot to release a 25th anniversary edition of their biggest hit, The Living Years. Aside from the obvious remastering, the album will come with a bonus disc of eight songs, which promises to be a mix of b-sides and unreleased material.
Mike and Andrew are also beginning early work on the next album, with writing making slow but steady progress.
So overall, there is plenty of news to report, and even more when you look at Paul Carrack's busy touring schedule, and Andrew and Tim's solo plans.
So given that, why has this place been so quiet? Well it's a funny thing, but this place was never actually designed to be much of a news resource. When we resurrected the house over seven years ago, we did so as a tribute to the band which brought us together. With the sad death of Paul Young, and the commercial failure of Rewired, we thought that was going to be it for the band, and we wanted this place to serve as a tribute to them. Mike it seems, had other ideas. :D
Of course we're thrilled that the Mechanics are a going concern, but as one of the most prominent Mike and The Mechanics websites on the net, we're aware of just how inadequate a job we're doing as a fan site, and for people who have dropped by looking for the latest news, then we're sorry to have let you down in the past months. Time has simply been at a premium, and our respective day jobs have hoovered up any and all time, which could have been spared for this site.
When this site went online, facebook wasn't a thing, nobody but the birds were tweeting, and microblogging sounded more like a new type of cuisine than anything to do with the online space. Over the past seven years the internet has radically changed, as has the way in which people access it, and the digital cobwebs are beginning to bog this place down.
Time is still at a premium, but we've decided to make a start on building a new House Of Many Rooms website. A site which we hope will carry over the quirky themes of this site, whilst being far more able to match the social needs of most of our visitors.
At time of writing, just sketches on paper and ideas exist, but if Mike is working on a new album, then we hope to be able to match his schedule, and get a new site online in time to help with promoting it.
Of course we don't ultimately know what will happen, but we wanted to let our visitors know what we're planning for. In the meantime, the best place for Mechanics news is:
Both sites are regularly updated and run by great people.
I would also encourage any Mechanics fans to join us on our Facebook page which is regularly updated and has a great community behind it.
If there's any major news, I'll post it here, but in the meantime it's direct to the coding dungeon, and all being well, we'll emerge with something interesting early next year.
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Release Day For The Road
Source: http://www.amazon.co.uk/

Well if you'll pardon the pun, it's been a long road, but here we are, release day for a brand new Mike & The Mechanics album... wow.
We sneakily ordered the album from Germany last week, and have been listening to it for the past week, and I'm really pleased to report no Mechanics fan will come away from this album disappointed. Certainly there's high spots (The Road, I Don't Do Love, Heaven Can Wait) and tracks we haven't quite warmed to (Hunt You Down), but overall this is a really strong album, full of quality music, which covers a range of genres, from the traditional pop and rock, to soul and electro.
If you haven't got the album yet, you can order it now from any of the places listed below (and more besides).
You can buy the album at Amazon.co.uk (£8.93), Play.com (£8.99) and Zavvi.com (£8.85).
We'll be posting our review of the album this week.
We'd also like to share a link to an interview conducted by Genesis News, with the mysterious third Mechanic, Arno Carstens. You can read the interview, here.
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Andrew Roachford: Where I Stand - Now Available
Source: http://www.roachford.co.uk/

Andrew Roachford's superb new album: Where I Stand is now available. I've been listening to it all week, and can heartily recommend it to any fans of good soulful, melodic music. The album has a nice stripped down sound, and Andrew's voice really shines throughout. If you like The Road, then consider this your next purchase. :)
The album is to be released on the 10th of April via digital distribution (iTunes, Amazon, HMV digital, 7digital), or you can get a special CD release available exclusively from Andrew's official website.
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Mike & The Mechanics First Album Gets The Gold Disc Treatment
Source: http://www.worldofgenesis.com/

World Of Genesis is reporting that Audio Fidelity (the label previously responsible for shipping remastered copies of Face Value and No Jacket Required) are in the finishing stages of remastering the first self titled Mike & The Mechanics album. No release date is announced yet (as the album is currently in the approval stages with Mike's management) but when released the album should be the finest version of the album ever released.
If you'd like to know more about the process, please click here to be taken to Audio Fidelity's about page.
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Interviews & Release Dates
Source: http://www.genesis-news.com/

With the release date for The Road drawing near, the band have been on the promotional trail, and after a recent showcase performance at the Hardrock Café in London, the band stuck around to give a few interviews. Hot on the trail was Genesis news hound Christian Gerhardts, who was able to chat with the band about the current album, tour, and future plans.
You can read the interview at GNC.
In further news, long time Mechanics fan and owner of our associated Facebook group, Mike Rutherford: The Genesis Of A Mechanic, Andrea Mitchell, has transcribed an interview Mike conducted with the BBC last week, as that link is soon to vanish!
Huge thanks to Andrea for taking the time to do this! You can download the interview in PDF format: here.
Finally, there have been some developments with the release date of The Road. The release date for the UK and France has been pushed back a week, whilst the German date remains the same. So here are the final dates for the release of The Road:
Germany: 08 April
UK: 18 April
France: 18 April
USA: 26 April
So that should be enough for you all to be getting on with. :)
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Andrew Roachford's New Album: Where I Stand
Source: http://www.roachford.co.uk/

As many fans of the band may now be interested in following the career and releases of Andrew Roachford (and it's certainly recommended), I thought I'd give you all a heads up that Andrew has a new album prepping for release, entitled: Where I Stand.
The album is to be released on the 10th of April via digital distribution (Amazon, HMV digital, 7digital with an iTunes release pending), or you can get a special CD release available exclusively from Andrew's official website.
We'll certainly be keeping an eye on this one.
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Paul Young's Chronicles Album Now Available
Source: http://www.amazon.co.uk/

I'm pleased to announce that the Paul Young album, Chronicles, is now available to buy from http://www.amazon.co.uk/.
My copy has just dropped through the letter box, so I've only had chance to listen to it once, but I can tell you that fans of either the Mechanics or Sad Café are in for a real treat. It stands as a wonderful reminder of just what a talent Paul Young was, and how regretful it is that he's not here to continue what would have been a greatly received solo career.
Expect a more in-depth review over the coming weeks, but for now, don't hesitate to order a copy right now.

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Listen To An Interview & A New Song
Source: www.bbc.co.uk/

BBC radio has aired an edition of the Judy Spiers show, which features not only an interview with Mike Rutherford and Andrew Roachford, but also a song from The Road, entitled Try To Save Me.
The song really is excellent, but it's certainly a fresh take on the Mechanics sound, and is a really good showcase for Andrew's singing talent.
You can listen to the interview on the BBC iPlayer. The interview starts at 2:19 and you can hear Try To Save at 2:29.
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First Review Of The Road Now Up!
Source: www.genesis-news.com

Genesis News have posted a thorough review of the new Mechanics album, giving us a breakdown of the album track by track. Christian reckons the album is an entertaining (if not a killer) release, but is a fan of tracks, 'Background Noise' and 'Heaven Doesn't Care'.
From his summary, it sounds like the album will be warmly received by current fans of the band, even if it's not quite a classic release.
Still, it's early days and all signs point to this being the first of a series of new albums, so here's hoping that now the band have re-established themselves, they'll be able to refine everything next time around.
Obviously we'll be offering our own thoughts on the album nearer to release, but thanks to Christian for sharing his thoughts, and we certainly recommend reading the whole thing at: http://www.genesis-news.com to hear more detailed impressions of the album.
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New Single Reach Out (Touch The Sun) Available Now
Source: www.mike-and-the-mechanics.co.uk

Cheering up an otherwise gloomy Monday, is the news that available right now, is a new single from the band, entitled Reach Out (Trying To Touch The Sun). It's a smooth tune, which is a clear follow up to Rewired's mix of digital and traditional sounds. Andrew Roachford takes the lead vocal and gives the track a real power, which balances well against the uncomplicated but soothing melody. Fans of Par Avion are going warm to the track very quickly I think.
It's certainly a good pick for the adult focussed radio stations, which this single is likely being pitched at. Shame they didn't take more than five minutes with the artwork though. lol
You can grab the single at iTunes (UK) and www.amazon.co.uk.
Hope you enjoy it. :)
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The Road Available To Pre-Order
Source: http://www.amazon.co.uk/

You can now pre-order the new Mike and The Mechanics album, The Road, from Amazon.co.uk (£8.93), Play.com (£8.99) and Zavvi.com (£8.85). The album releases on April 11th, so get your orders in now. :)
Of further news, is the launch of an official Mike & The Mechanics website, which can be found here. It's bare bones for the time being, but fingers crossed that there will be plenty of new information on the site, and who knows, maybe we'll even be treated to some samples. :)
Id also like to take a moment to ask that the dozens of booking agents, merchandisers, transport firms and caterers who have got in touch with The House these past months now direct their questions to this site, as they will have far more relevant contacts for you than myself.
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New Interview With Andrew Roachford
Source: http://www.worldofgenesis.com/

Our friends over at The World Of Genesis, have posted a great interview with new Mechanic, Andrew Roachford. You can read the full interview here.
The interview covers a lot of ground, from Andrew's hopes for a world tour and future Mechanics albums, to the release of his new solo album later this year and he also reveals that the Mechanics will be performing at the Isle Of White music festival.
We'll be sure to keep you up to date on all these developments, but thanks again to Dave Negrin over at World of Genesis for such a great interview.
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New Paul Young/Sad Café Album!
Source: http://www.genesis-news.com/

A real, do not adjust your sets moment here folks. Indeed the headline isn't an early April Fools gag, but is actually a project that's been in the pipe line for a long time. For full details on the origins of the project, then the official sad café website is your best bet, but the short version seems to be that Paul Young had a good few songs recorded for a forthcoming solo album, which he sadly, he never got around to releasing.
During 1998 Paul played his final gig with Sad Café, and early rumblings about a new Sad Café album began to emerge. After Paul's tragic passing in the summer of 2000, all plans were off, but over the past decade, Sad Café have seen much of their back catalogue re-released via a deal with Renaissance Records, the final record of which was intended to be a rarities collection.
It was whilst digging through these rarities that Darren Hirst (a friend of the band) contacted Alistair Gordon, and the original recordings (30 in total) for Pauls intended solo album were unearthed. The quality of the songs was of such a standard, that it was agreed by all parties that a new album based upon these recordings would make for a much better release than the intended rarities set (although fingers crossed that it also see's the light of day at some point) and a who's who of Paul Young's past musical partners were drafted in to help record the final album, including his former Mechanic band mates, Paul Carrack and Mike Rutherford.
As it turns out, the album is to be put out as a Paul Young solo album by Escape Music, and is to be called, Chronicles.
At present, the album is only available to pre-order from Amazon.de and Amazon.com, but it's doubtful that it won't get a wider release... I hope.
If we get any more news on this, I'll be sure to update, but for the time being WOW!

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Genesis Of A Mechanic Becomes Official House FB Group
Source: facebook

I'm really pleased to announce, that The House Of Many Rooms website has been offered a great (and fully furnished) home on online social phenomenon, Facebook. The group is called Mike Rutherford: The Genesis Of A Mechanic, and can be reached via this link, and via the link which now sits on the bottom right of every page.
It's with great thanks to the group founder, Andrea 'Romani' Mitchell, that this has been made possible, and I look forward to chatting with and be-friending many new Mechanics fans there.
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The Mechanics Head To Germany
Source: http://www.genesis-news.com/

Our friends over at Genesis News have let me know some great news this morning for German fans. Not only will the Mechanics be hitting the German roads with a series of seven live dates, but they've secured the first two rows of seats for the fan club. Visit http://www.genesis-news.com/ for more information on that.
Below you can see the dates the band have booked for:
JUNE 2011
Wednesday 1st - Duisburg - Theatre am Marientor
Thursday 2nd - Karlsruhe - Stadthalle
Saturday 4th - Leipzig - Parkbühne Clara-Zetkin-Park
Sunday 5th - Berlin - Admiralspalast
Monday 6th - Hamburg - Laeiszhalle
Wednesday 8th - Niedernhausen - Rhein-Main-Theater
Thursday 9th - Munich - Tonhalle
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The Mechanics Live At The Band On The Wall - Update
Source: http://www.houseofmanyrooms.com/

I've received a fantastic mail this morning, from Mechanics fan, Steve Martin, who was present for the Mechanic's Manchester gig at 'Band On The Wall'.
The band played a fair sized set, but of most interest is the news that three brand new tracks were played, which were titled: The Road (Steve's personal favourite), Try To Save and Reach Out. The full set list was:
The Road
Get Up
Try To Save
Beggar On A Beach Of Gold
Another Cup Of Coffee
Reach Out
Living Years
Over My Shoulder
All I Need Is A Miracle
We've also got some great pictures from the gig, also from Steve:
The live band consisted of Mike, Andrew and Tim, with the welcome return of Gary Wallis on drums, Anthony Drennan on guitar (who toured with Genesis on the Calling All Stations tour).
I'd like to take a moment to send my thanks to Steve and the many fans who have really shown a lot of support for the site, both in the past and now. Your news tips, photos and general help really means a lot. I'm looking into getting the House a bit more web 2.0'd, so we can all stay in touch a bit better, and maybe meet up during the tour.:)
Woohoo, just got our tickets for Manchester Apollo, hope to see you there. :)
A late addition, but some kind soul has uploaded a video of the band performing a new song, which I'm assuming is 'The Road'. Be warned, the quality is utterly horrific, and many may choose to ignore the upload and experience the new material in a much better state for the first time. For those curious cats amongst you though, here it is:
Watch live video from matayp on Justin.tv
The song sounds like classic Mechanics with an added touch of soul. I think we're in for a treat with the next album. :)
A quick update to this post, as some kind soul has uploaded a quality vidoe of the new lineup performing a rousing rendition of the band's 1988 mega hit, 'Living Years'. Catch it below:
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New Mechanics Album (The Road) and Tour News
Source: www.euticketnews.com

The news just keeps on coming. Looks like press releases are starting to be sent out, and tour dates are being revealed.
First things first then, the new album is entitled The Road, and it's headed for an April 2011 release. The band have signed a deal with Sony label, Arista and a 22 date UK tour has been set for April - May of 2011.
The new Mechanics will be focussed around Mike Rutherford, Andrew Roachford, and Tim Howar.
The tour (suitably named, Hit The Road) kicks off in Hull on Wednesday 27th April. Tickets go on sale at 09:00am on Friday 26th November and will be available (amongst other places I'm sure) at www.ents24.com.
The dates are:
APRIL 2011
Wednesday 27th - HULL City Hall
Thursday 28th - DONCASTER Dome
Saturday 30th - BRADFORD St George’s Hall
MAY 2011
Sunday 1st - YORK Grand Opera House
Tuesday 3rd - OXFORD New Theatre
Thursday 5th - NOTTINGHAM Royal Concert Hall
Monday 9th - LONDON Royal Albert Hall
Wednesday 11th - PORTSMOUTH Guildhall
Thursday 12th - BRIGHTON Centre
Friday 13th - BRISTOL Colston Hall
Sunday 15th - PLYMOUTH Pavillion
Tuesday 17th - CARDIFF CIA
Wednesday 18th - IPSWICH Regent Theatre
Friday 20th - MANCHESTER O2 Apollo
Saturday 21st - BLACKPOOL Opera House
Sunday 22nd - LIVERPOOL Empire
Tuesday 24th - EDINBURGH Playhouse
Wednesday 25th - GLASGOW Clyde Auditorium
Thursday 26th - GATESHEAD The Sage
Saturday 28th - SHEFFIELD City Hall
Sunday 29th - BIRMINGHAM Symphony Hall

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Andrew Roachford Speaks To The House
Source: http://www.houseofmanyrooms.com/

It's with great delight than we can today post an interview (conducted over e-mail), with Andrew Roachford. Andrew has played an integral role in creating the new Mechanics album, and I'm sure fans of the band will appreciate his influence.
You can find the interview, here.
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Princes Trust Gig Broadcast On Sky
Source: http://www.princes-trust.org.uk/

Those of you with Sky subscriptions can get an early look at the new Mechanics, thanks to Sky broadcasting their Princes Trust show. The Rock Gala 2010 will be broadcast on Sunday 19 December 2010 on Sky 3D (Sky Channel 217).
A fan (cheers Ed) also mailed in with details about the setlist and backing group. The band played two songs to close out the first half of the show, with Andrew Roachford taking vocal duties on 'Over My Shoulder' and Tim Howar tackling 'All I Need Is A Miracle'. The group were backed by Mark King on bass, Midge Ure on guitar and Guy Chambers on keyboards, with an as yet unnamed drummer taking to the sticks.
As yet very little official information has been revealed about the new album and group, but we'll be sure to publish the news as we get it.

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New Mechanics - The It's Coming Update!
Source: http://www.genesis-news.com

When things start rolling, they don't stop! With the relaunch of the band now beginning to build up steam, more news is beginning to emerge, mostly via the standard bearer of hot off the press Genesis news, http://www.genesis-news.com.
Firstly, it looks like the new incarnation of the band will also feature two mail vocalists, with the second looking increasingly likely to be Van Tramp's blusey vocalist, Tim Howar.
Secondly, Genesis News have managed to grab time with Andrew Roachford, to ask him a few questions about his involvement with the band. You can read the full interview here.
The most exciting news is that Andrew confirms that a new Mechanics album will release early next year with a full tour to follow!
So, exciting times ahead for fans of the band, and it's hard to beleive that next year we'll be able to put our pre-orders in for a new Mechanics album.
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Mike & The Mechanics Perform For Princes Trust
Source: http://www.genesis-news.com

Word is spreading that Mike & The Mechanics are to perform for the Princes Trust in London, on the 17th of November, in a concert which will be headlined by Eric Clapton. This will be the bands first live appearance since promoting Rewired. More interestingly of course, this will also be the first time the band appear live with new singer, Andrew Roachford. Quite who constitutes the band aside from Mike and Andrew at this point remains to be seen, and it will also be interesting to hear if any new material will be performed.
Thanks to a hawk eared fan, (cheers Reyn) I can also report that the band will be performing in Manchester on the 25th of November, as part of the Love Live Music concerts. You can find further details and win tickets to attend the event at http://www.smoothradiolondon.co.uk/.
If you'll be attending either of these concerts, then please get in touch as we'd love to hear any news/reviews from the event, and don't forget to bring your camera. :)
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New Paul Carrack Album: A Different Hat
Source: http://www.carrack-uk.com/

Paul Carrack has recently released his new album, A Different Hat' which is now available to buy in both standard and deluxe editions, over on Paul's official website. The album consists of 12 classic tracks given a new lick of paint, this time with the aid of The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. The album is a real cracker, and is going to be a welcome addition to anyone's Christmas list... if you can wait that long. :)
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Mike To Return With New Album & Singer
Source: Genesis Forum

WOW - according to reports surfacing on the official Genesis forum, Mike Rutherford has talked about his new project, and whilst little to nothing is known about it at this point, it has been revealed that he is working with successful singer songwriter - Andrew Roachford. It is also reported that Chris Neil and BA Robertson are also on board.
As so little is known about the project thus far, I've nothing more to report, but it's certainly exciting to hear that 2010 could mark the return of Mike & The Mechanics - who knows, it might even call for some spring cleaning around the house :)
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More To Come From Mike?
Source: Genesis Forum

An interview with Empire (thanks steffen from the Genesis forum) features an interview with Paul Carrack, in which Paul states that Mike is working on a new album album, but he himself won't be contributing. Paul says that Mike will instead be working with numerous guest musicians. It is not known if this will be going out under the Mechanics banner, or if this will be the 3rd Mike Rutherford solo album, but either way, we're thrilled at the prospect of new material coming from Mike, and if anyone in the know cares to drop me a line - please do :)
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First Four Sad Cafe Albums Re-mastered and Re-released
Source: http://www.worldofgenesis.com/

A welcome bit of news for any fans of Paul Young's previous band - Sad Cafè, US label Renaissance Records has not only remastered and re-released the bands first four albums on CD, but is planing to release their 5th - Oleé, for July 28th. They've even added a few b-side tracks into the package, so it's something fans won't want to miss.
The albums have been picked up by Demon/Edsel in Europe, and both sets can be picked up for the bargain price of £5.99 from Play.com.
I have both sets winging their way to me as I type, and can't wait to hear those great albums again.
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"I Know That Name" Released
Source: http://www.carrack-uk.com/

Paul Carrack's new album, "I Know That Name" is now available. You can buy the album direct and signed by Paul himself by visiting: http://www.carrack-uk.com/.
I've had the album myself for a little while now, and can assure fans that this album will not dissapoint. It retains the stripped down and intimate sound of his most recent albums, whilst touching a variety of musical bases. Pauls smooth vocals are all present and correct, and as ever, the melodies all hit the spot.
Tracks like the toe tapping &No Doubt About It& and grooving "Who Am I" are going to go down a storm live and I can well see the reggae tinged update of "Eyes of Blue" putting in an appearence too.
Overall, this is a great album from Paul, and one can only hope he returns from his current tour with pen in hand, ready for the next one :)
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Paul Carrack Speaks To The House
Source: House Of Many Rooms

To celebrate the release of Pauls's new single, "Aint No Love In The Heart Of The City" (order it now) Paul Carrack has taken the time to answer some questions for us, regarding his new single and forthcoming album, and of course the current status of Mike and The Mechanics.
You can read the interview through this link - enjoy
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New Paul Carrack Single & Album -
Source: http://www.carrack-uk.com/

Following 2007's "Old, New, Borrowed and Blue" release, Paul Carrack is back with a new single, a cover of the Bobby 'Blue' Bland track - "Aint No Love In The Heart Of The City".
Taken from Paul's as yet untitled new album, the single and album is being produced by Dave Robinson (Stiff Records), who first met Paul when booking Ace (amongst others) for the Hope & Anchor in Islington.
You can listen to a preview of the single by clicking - HERE.
The single will be released on July 7th, and will be available as both a 4 track cd and a digital download - both are released on Paul's own Carrack-UK label.

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Mike Calls It A Day!
Source: Genesis News

A recent interview with Mike Rutherford, on the highly respected Genesis news site, "Genesis-News", has posted an interview with both Mike Rutherford and Tony Banks during their recent Turn It On Again tour.
During the interview, Mike is asked if he has any plans to record a follow up to Rewired, to which he responds, "Erm..I think that's it probably."
A transcript of the relevant section of the interview is included below:
it: Mike, your last Mechanics album Rewired is now three years old. Do you intend to record another one after the Genesis tour?
Mike: Erm... I think that's it probably. We had our time, we did the album without Paul Young and a tour and live we were better than I thought but there was a chemistry with the three of us, especially on stage with Paul Young performing and Carrack's musicality and voice - it was a good combination. And then we did the tour without Paul, which was okay, but I think the time is right to say that's it. And also, Paul Carrack is busy doing his own stuff. He tours every year anyway with his own band, playing some Mechanics songs as well. So I think that's it although you never know...
it: Any plans to record stuff on your own or maybe with other people?
Mike: I haven't thought about that. I'm not worried, this year has been taken care of and then we'll see.
So there you go!
Coupled with Paul Carrack's recent comments regarding his involvement (or rather lack of) with any future Mechanics project, it seems that despite Mike's refusal to shut the door completely, Mike and The Mechanics are indeed at an end.
With so much great music in their back catalogue, the bands name will not soon be forgotten however, and with both Mike and Paul still actively working in the music industry, I'm sure there will be more great music to come, even if it's not under the Mike and The Mechanics name.
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Genesis 1976 - 1982 Box Set Released
Source: Rhino Records

After many, many years of dedication and work, the first of three box sets chronicling Genesis' amazing career has been released. Covering the 1976 - 1982 period of the bands history, the first set, simply titled "Genesis: 1976 - 1982" is now available in Europe, via Virgin records.
Featuring a deluxe 2 disc (DVD & SACD), each album has been tirelessly remastered to a 5.1 finish. The albums included are: Trick of the Tail, Wind & Wuthering, And Then There Were Three, Duke and Abacab.
The set also comes with a bonus DVD, full of b-sides, interviews and unreleased live footage.
America will get the set on May 15th courtesy of Rhino Records, and can be bought direct from Rhino, (amongst othert places) from their own online shop.
I've yet to nab a copy for myself, but all reports indicate that the sound quality (providing you have an SACD player) is astonishing, and the presentation is fitting of the collections "definitive" status.
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Tim Renwick Goes Solo
Source: www.timrenwick.com

Long time Mechanics collaborator, Tim Renwick, has released a brand new solo album with Audio Network plc.
The album, entitled "Privateer" is a smooth, and diverse instrumental album, which - whilst rooted in a classic rock sound - touches many musical bases, and contains an eclectic mix of songs.
You can listen to tracks off the album for yourself at: www.audiolicense.net/composers/19.asp, and the full album is now available to buy on Tim's own website: www.timrenwick.com.
To celebrate the launch of this CD, Tim has agreed to hold a Q & A with us at the House, so if you've got any questions for Tim, please send them to us at:
Tim has kindly offered to post the best question sent, a free copy of the album, so get sending.
I will be posting a review of the album up in the next few days, so keep your eyes peeled.
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The End of the Mechanics?
Source: Genesis News

A recent interview with Paul Carrack on German station, Radio Jade, suggests that Paul Carrack is leaving Mike and The Mechanics, in favour of taking full control of his career.
A transcript of the interview is included below:
Interviewer: Do you have any plans to do another M&M album?
Paul: "No, I didn't. Maybe Mike did, I don't know [laughing]. And I won't be doing it!"
Interviewer: Are there some difficulties between you and Mike?
Paul: "Well not really, Mike is ok, I like Mike (...). But I've gotten used to being my own boss and doing my own thing and I really enjoy that. I was also very disappointed not to be able to use some of the M&M recordings for my greatest hits album, and that just made me realize even more that I have no control over that situation, even though I'm involved and am the singing lead vocalist and writer of some of the songs. But I have no rights to any of the recordings and I don't like that position at this time of my life. So I'm quite happy to do my own."
The future of the band seems to be very "up in the air" at present. With Mike being on tour with Genesis until winter of 2008, the Mechanics would have been on hold anyway, but these latest comments from Paul, certainly cast doubt on an eventual follow up to Rewired.
Given Pauls' principle concerns are to do with rights and ownership of the songs, it's far from impossible that a deal could be worked out for any future releases. Everyone at the house remains optimistic that this could - eventually - be the case, and that the more adventurous musical direction the band took with Rewired, could be continued in the future.
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Genesis Reunite
Source: Official Genesis Site

It is with great pleasure that I can report that the long hinted at Genesis Reunion, will finally take shape in the form of a 20 date European tour (with American dates still to be announced), and dubbed: "Turn It On Again - The Tour".
You can read further details on the bands official web-site, but of the twenty dates, the UK will be getting one at London's Twickenham Stadium and one at Manchesters' Old Trafford. Germany is getting a eight of the announced dates - so that's great news for our German readers.
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New Paul Carrack Anthology CD Released
Source: Official Paul Carrack Site

The new anthology collection from Paul Carrack has recently been released, and can be purchased at his online shop. The new collection features most (although not being a ten hour set, not all : D) of his best loved work.
Amongst the well established favourites, Paul has taken the time to re-record special 2006 versions of "Love Will Keep Us Alive", and of keener interest to us at the house, "The Living Years".
Released just in time for Christmas, this new collection should make a welcome stocking filler for any fans Christmas morning.
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Mechanics on "Band du Lac" & "The Strat Pack"
Source: Genesis News

Whilst all has been pretty quiet on the Mechanics front recently, they have made numerous guest appearences on a variety of charity performances. Two of their most notable, "Band du Lac" & "The Strat Pack" are now being made available on DVD, by the good folks at Eagle Vision.
"Band du Lac" was set up to benefit HASTE (Heart And Stroke Trust Endeavour) and was recorded at Wintershall Estate in Surrey. The show features stars such as: Gary Brooker (keyboards, vocals), Mike Rutherford (guitar), Andy Fairweather-Low (guitar), Harry Spinetti (drums) and Paul Carrack (organ, keyboards, vocals). Eric Clapton (guitar, vocals), Ringo Starr (vocals), Roger Taylor (vocals, drums), Katie Melua (vocals), and The Drifters guested at the event.
The only Mechanics song performed at the event was "Over My Shoulder", with Paul Carrack's "How Long" and Genesis faithfull "I Can't Dance" closing the set in suitably raucous style.
"The Strat Pack" offers a similarly star led event, this time with Mike and Paul performing, How Long, All Along The Watchtower, While My Guitar Gently Weeps and I Cant Dance.
You can pick yourself up a copy of these DVD's, direct from Paul's own store at: www.carrack-uk.com
Feel free to send us a review of these DVD's and we'll add them to our features page.
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Paul Carrack To Release Anthology CD
Source: World Of Genesis

World of Genesis continues to be sharper than the safety manager at a razor factory, by breaking the news that a new Paul Carrack anthology collection is on the way. This collection will reportedly be a 20 track collection of Paul's finest work, encompassing both his solo career, and his work with the Mechanics, ACE and Squeeze. Reports also indicate that Paul will re-record two of his earlier songs, for inclusion on the album. This will be far from the only Paul Carrack compilation on the market, with the '94 releaase, "21 Good Reasons" being the most complete thus far.
The collection is due for release this Autumn and as soon as we get more news on exact release dates and track listings, we'll be sure to post them here. In the meantime, you can discuss Paul Carrack and his illustrious career with fellow fans on our forum, just click here.
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Paul Carrack's Summer Tour
Source: Official Paul Carrack Site

Paul Carrack is set to thrill his many fans again this summer, when he takes to the road on a 34 stop UK and Spanish tour.
Anyone who's seen Paul live before, knows they don't want to miss this, and anyone who hasn't, shouldn't miss this fantastic opportunity to see Paul in some of his most established venues. Paul usually plays a good mix of his own material as well as the hits from the Mechanics, often giving them a smoother sound than we're used to.
Full tour dates are as follows:
- United Kingdom 2006
- Fri August 18th Chester Race Course with Van Morrison
- Sun Oct 8th: Cliffs Pavillion Southend
- Tues Oct 10th: Corn Exchange Cambridge
- Thurs Oct 12th: Hove Centre Hove
- Tues Oct 17th: North Wales Theatre Llandudno
- Mon Oct 23rd: Derngate Northampton
- Fri Oct 27th: Philharmonic Liverpool
- Thurs Nov 2nd: Lowry Salford Quays
- Wed Nov 8th: New Theatre Oxford
- Thurs Nov 9th: Grand Opera House York
- Tues Nov 14th:The Anvil Basingstoke
- Fri Nov 17th: Victoria Hall Stoke-On-Trent
- Sun Nov 19th: Colston Hall Bristol
- Mon Nov 20th: St David's Hall Cardiff
- Mon Nov 27th: Symphony Hall Birmingham
- Wed Nov 29th: The Sage Gateshead
- Thurs Nov 30th: Royal Concert Hall Glasgow
- Sat Dec 2nd: Royal Spa Centre Leamington Spa
- Sat Dec 9th: City Hall Sheffield
- 2007
- Thurs Jan 4th: Opera House Buxton
- Fri Jan 5th: The Ritz Brighouse
- Sat Jan 6th: The Ritz Brighouse
- Sun Jan 7th: The Ritz Brighouse
- Sat Jan 13th: International Centre Harrogate
- Sun Jan 14th: Newark Theatre Newark
- Sat Jan 20th: TBC
- Sat Jan 21st: TBC
- Sat Jan 27th: TBC
- Sun Jan 28th: Corn Exchange Kings Lynn
- Wed Jan 31st: Southport Theatre Southport
- Sat Feb 3rd: TBC
- Sun Feb 4th: Winding Wheel Chesterfield
- Spanish Dates 2006
- 6th August "Luna Lunera Festival" ( Zaragoza )
- 17 August "Javea" ( Alicante )
Hope to see you there : D
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Paul Carrack's: Suburban Voodoo Re-Released
Source: Official Paul Carrack Site

Kicking off with the punchy melodies of "Lesson in Love", "Suburban Voodoo" proved to be a definite showcase for Pauls pop sensibilities. Now thanks to Arcadia Records, this classic 1982 release has been digitally remastered and re-released.
You can pick yourself up a copy direct from Paul's own store, at: www.carrack-uk.com
Feel free to send us a review of this album, and we'll add it to our features page.
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The Mechanics Perform For The Countryside Alliance

Usually the news that Mike and Paul are to perform live would be thrilling news to report, but it is with a somewhat heavy heart that I'm forced to add that the occasion has been prompted by blood sport backers, the Countryside Alliance. Needless to say, everyone at the house is somewhat dismayed at the possibility that both Mike and Paul support the brutalities of fox hunting, but remain hopeful that the Mechanics have come out to support the less brutal activities of the Countryside Alliance.
The event is scheduled for the 20th May at Highclere Castle in Hampshire, and other notable artists on the bill, include:
- Gary Brooker
- Andy Fairweather Low
- Eric Clapton
- Roger Taylor
- Roger Daltrey
- Georgie Fame
Needless to say, everyone is entitled to their opinion and Mike & Paul are no different, and whilst myself and many of their fans disagree with them on this issue, it is important to keep in mind the many other valued charity organisations both Mike and Paul have participated in, in the past.
If you'd like to discuss this news further, feel free to pop into the forum and chat about it with myself and other fans.
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Paul Carrack's Online Sale
Source: Official Paul Carrack Site

If you've got any gaps in your Paul Carrack collection, then now's the time to fill 'em, and help out Paul directly. Many of Paul's albums have had a pound or three knocked off, including Paul's latest relase, "Winter Wonderland", which can now be purchased for ten pound.
Paul also stocks a nice supply of tour programmes, DVD's, hats and singles, so it's worth a look for any fan, happy shopping : )
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BA Robertsons: "My Living Years" tour postponed until 2006
Source: Official B.A. Robertson Site

Long time Mechanics co-writer, BA Robertson, has been forced to cancel his upcoming "My Living Years" tour. His management gave the following statement:
Promoter Nigel McIntryre said today:
"Due to family reasons BA has had to postpone the tour of his hit Edinburgh Fringe Show until Spring 2006. We hope to announce a new tour schedule in the next few weeks. Venues will provide those who have already purchased tickets a full refund or the opportunity to defer their seats until next year.".
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Paul Carrack Releases: "Winter Wonderland"
Source: Official Paul Carrack Site

Paul Carrack has recently released his new album, "Winter Wonderland". The album is a compilation of Christmassy tunes, sung by the man himself.
Taken from Paul's e-shop:
"Eleven Christmas classics recorded with the Grammy Award winning SWR Big Band. Arrangements by Chris Walden (Diana Krall, Sheryll Crow) and Steve Sidwell (George Michael, Robbie Williams). Guaranteed to put you in the festive mood. Order your signed copy now."
Track list:
- Winter wonderland
- Rudolph the red nosed reindeer
- White Christmas
- Have yourself a merry little Christmas
- Let it snow
- Christmas song
- Sleighride
- Wonderful world
- Silverbells
- Rockin around the Christmas tree
- Beautiful World
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Genesis Reunion On The Cards?
Source: Special Genesis Reunion News Site

In November, messrs Collins, Rutherford, Banks, Gabriel and Hackett will be meeting to properly discuss the reunion chances of the original Genesis lineup. Your guess is probably as good as anybody's as to what this meeting will yield, but the idea of a new tour, and even a studio album is probably about as exciting a thing to happen in the Genesis camp for a long time.
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"All I Need Is A Miracle" Remixed
Source: andrewsmith2005 from the Mike Rutherford forum

It seems the Mechanics second hit single is fertile ground for remixers, as aside from it's remix on the original 12 inch release, and again in '96 for the "Hits" album, yet another remix has emerged, this time courtesy of Red Kult. Not being a fan of this sort of music, I wouldn't want to say how good a re-mix this is, but feel free to judge for yourself:
Sample - Hosted by Andrew Smith
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"Silent Running" Gets The Synth Treatment
Source: Tiffany Lunn

Tiffany Lunn has included a synthesized version of "Silent Running" on her new album, "A New Horizon". I don't usually go in for this sort of music, but this re-imagining of this classic song, is done with taste. Everythings so soft and subtle, it's hard to find this frequently annoying music...annoying. Have a listen for yourself.
Sample - Hosted by Tiffany Lunn
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