Some of you may remember the original house of many rooms site, which was based around the 1995 Rutherford/B.A. Robertson song, "A House Of Many Rooms" and lasted pretty much the length of the "M6" Mechanics era. That site was a solid attempt at providing Mechanics fans with a firm base to catch all the latest news from the gang.

Chief Mechanics, Mike Rutherford, Paul Carrack, and the late Paul Young
As frequently happens, life got in the way of things, work piled up, free web space was pulled, and with the sad loss of Paul Young in July 2000, the future of the Mechanics looked to be so short lived, that a news site seemed unnecessary. It was however, to great surprise and delight that Mike Rutherford and Paul Carrack returned to the Mechanics in mid 2004, to write, record and eventually release the Mechanics sixth studio album, "Rewired".
Searching the web around this time, it became clear that aside from the excellent coverage afforded them from the main Genesis sites, and the solid but rarely updated sites of Bo Tilberg and the Mechanics web ring, the band had no real flag ship site to represent them on the net.
The original site creator, Chrischa Van de Voorde, along with myself (David Perkins), have tried to capture the spirit of the original site, whilst simultaneously modernising and expanding it. It's early days and we hope the house will continue to grow with more features, reviews and pictures, all - hopefully - with your help.
So, we hope you like what we've done with the place, and we look forward to keeping you all up to date with the latest Mechanics news.
All The Best: Dave & Isch